Exam preparation DELE - Expanish Buenos Aires

The DELE exam preparation course at the language school in Argentina is based on the international guidelines of the Instituto Cervantes and prepares the students for the appropriate examination. The internationally recognised Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language) are regarded as the most important certificates verifying the level of proficiency you have attained. The exam preparation takes the form of individual lessons. The students receive 10 lessons of intense individual exam preparation per week, and each lesson consists of 55 minutes. The students participate on a group course of 20 lessons per week to develop their general language skills and help them to pass the subsequent test.

A language course group consists of a maximum of 10 participants and can be booked for a minimum duration of one week. It is best to take the course immediately before the examination and the Instituto Cervantes exam dates are held on specific dates usually in the months of May, August and November.