Spanish Language courses - Clic IH Sevilla - Seville

The Standard course is ideal for you if you want to improve your general Spanish and not want to miss out on the holiday aspect of being in Spain.

The main emphasis of the course is on communication, but great importance is also placed on vocabulary and grammar.

The Standard Spanish course in Seville is offered at all levels, from beginner to advanced. The standard course consists of 20 lessons per week of 50 minutes each and the maximum number of participants in any group is 10. There are 4 lessons per day in the mornings.

Our Combination-courses offer a combination of group lessons and individual 1:1 lessons and are a good choice if you need to focus on specific subjects or deal with particular areas of the language that still give you trouble.

The price includes 2 x 2 additional lessons per week which include: cookery classes, dance classes, art history, literature, phonetics, or history.